GEF-5 Integrated Approach to Management of Forests in Turkey


GEF-5 Integrated Approach to Management of Forests in Turkey

Project Name:
 GEF-5 Integrated Approach to Management of Forests in Turkey

Date: 2014-2018

Place: Mediterranean Region

Role Of DKM: Project partner and implementer

Project Partners: Foresters' Association of Turkey, General Directorate of Forestry, GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), The Gold Standard, United Nations Development Programme, WWF Turkey

Summary Of Project:

This project will promote an integrated approach to the management of forests in Turkey, demonstrating multiple environmental benefits in high conservation value forests in the Mediterranean forest region. More particularly, the project will demonstrate approaches to generating, measuring, reporting on and verifying carbon, biodiversity and socio-economic benefits generated through this integrated approach at five Mediterranean forest sites (covering a total area of >450,000 ha). It will then build on these results through the development of a forest sector NAMA covering Turkey’s Mediterranean forests. Laying the foundation for leveraging and scaling up of the project’s demonstration results is thus an important component of the project’s strategy - one which is further made possible by a strengthened enabling environment.
GEF-5 Integrated Approach to Management of Forests in Turkey