Climate Change Adaptation in the Ankara Forests

Project Name: Climate Change Adaptation in the Ankara Forests
Date: February 2012-April 2012
Place: Ankara
Role Of DKM: Project leader
Summary Of Project:
DKM’s main goal was to provide a strong scientific basis for developing effective climate change mitigation measures, and to increase the capacity of relevant institutions in Ankara for implementing them. The project’s aim was to assemble baseline information which could be used to project the effects of climate change on forests in the Ankara district (45,629 km²), to enable forestry managers to integrate climate change adaptation into their management plans.
Spatial modelling of Ankara district’s European black pine (Pinus nigra) forests was carried out. These models were combined with future climate predictions and scenarios in order to develop projections for the forests’ future condition. This process provided both a general picture and identified the most vulnerable forest stands.
General recommendations for the district were developed for activities to help the forests adapt to climate change and enhance their carbon storage capacity with specific recommendations for the most vulnerable forest stands. The carbon storage capacity of black pine forests throughout Ankara district was analysed.
- gather baseline information to understand effects of climate change on forests in the Ankara district.
Key Achievements:
- recommendations for climate change adaption and carbon storage capacity enhancement were developed.