Connect To Nature

Project Name: Connect To Nature
Date: January 2022 - December 2024
Location: Ankara
Role Of DKM: As a project partner; to support young people in green entrepreneurship, to draw attention to green initiatives in Turkey and to identify good practices, to produce content to contribute to the development of ecological literacy, to announce green entrepreneurship with multiplier events and to encourage young people to green entrepreneurship by organizing a competition.
Contact: Tugba Can
Project Summary:
The project focuses on increasing youth employment in the green business. Our first focus includes collecting data to present youth's knowledge, attitudes and habits and expectations regarding ecological literacy and green entrepreneurship. Moreover, it also includes analyzing and describing the green start up company by data collection from the selected institution through a survey and we will create a list of key topics like sustainability, waste management, packaging, water and energy conservation, carbon emission and finally we will prepare a guide as how to be eco-friendly or green start up company. The second focus is designing online training program. We will cultivate young people as eco-literate and green entrepreneur by online-training, mostly interactive video lessons with core learning modules. After the training they have a change to apply the internship program in green start up companies. The program provides that young people are able to see the trends, activities, and changes in green economy by interacting with supervisors on real job site. They can see how to contribute to human welfare, sustainability, biodiversity and eco-industries as well. The third focus is organizing a competition for young people who are dreaming of green start up. According to a survey conducted by MonsterTRAK, young workers want employment with a green company: 80% of those surveyed said they are interested in a job that has a positive impact on the environment and a whopping 92% would chose working for an environmentally friendly company .
You can learn the project details from its website: https://care.splet.arnes.si
Project Partners: Slovenia (Ekonomska šola Novo mesto ) is project coordinator, and other partners: Turkey (Nature Conservation Centre), Austria (Innovation Education Centre), Italy (CIAPE), Spain (UCAM) and Portugal (Rightchallenge), all of them related with youth, online-training, nature conservation, entrepreneurship and eco-literacy.
Project Supporters: EU, Erasmus+ Sport Grant Program
Contact: Tuğba Can, tugba.can@dkm.org.tr