Eco-Friendly Sports

Project Name: Eco-Friendly Sports
Date: January 2020 & December 2021
Location: Ankara & Antalya
Role Of DKM: As a project partner making research on good practices, preparation and implementation of local Eco-Friendly Sport Events, co-designing of publication and Sport and Nature Education Program for Trainers and Eco-Friendly Sport Training Program, dissemination of the project results by organizing an International Conference in Turkey
Contact: Tugba Can
Project Summary:
The aim of the project is to promote sport and physical activities that not only contribute to better health but has also positive impact on the environment. The project aims to empower the youth on becoming knowledgeable and skilled on sustainability and nature conservation topics, on the way to become active citizens promoting these issues in their life by creating valuable interactions with the sports sector. This will be ensured by canalizing the energy of youth to promote the concept of sport, ecology, wellbeing and health-enhancing physical activity within and across national bordersAs Eduardo Galeano said, “If many little people, in many little places, do many little things, they can change the face of the Earth” . In this regard, this project supports the societal role of sport in the field of sport of Erasmus + Programme
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Project Parrners: ADEL (Slovakia)-Project Coordinator. Other project partners are Innovative Education Center- IEC (Austria), Check-In Cooperation and Development (Portugal), Se Poate (Romania), BAIS (Hungary), The Club Deportivo CHAÑE (Spain), Bulgarian Sports Development Association (Bulgaria)
Project Supporters: EU, Erasmus+ Sport Grant Program
Contact: Tuğba Can, tugba.can@dkm.org.tr