An interview with Dr Uğur Zeydanlı, Head of the Board of DKM was held in the 107th Biological Diversity issue of Eko IQ!

An interview was conducted with Dr. Uğur Zeydanlı, Head of the Board of DKM, in the Climate and Biological Diversity issue of ECOIQ magazine, which publishes on Green Business Green Life, titled While the Climate is Changing, Species are Vanishing.... Dr. Zeydanlı underlined that we are experiencing two ecological crises together: The world is facing many problems, but as the Nature Conservation Centre, we think that there are two root crises behind a large part of these problems: Climate Crisis and Biological Crisis. Both are vital systems and we do not yet have the technology to compensate for the deterioration of these two systems. In order to replace the benefits provided to us by a disappearing forest ecosystem, we have to produce costly solutions that may cause bigger problems. This is only a short-term solution. Losing forests means losing water resources, or the filtration system needed for water to pass safely from upstream to downstream. To compensate for this, you have to bring water from other basins, and you have to increase investments in infrastructure to control the water cycle in the region.
Click here to read the full interview: https://www.ekoiq.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/ekoiq-sayi-107-yayina-1.pdf