Communication from the European Commission on Green Infrastructure is in Turkish now!

Communication from the European Commission on Green Infrastructure - Enhancing Europe’s Natural Capital and accompanying document regarding to the technical information on Green Infrastructure was translated into Turkish by Nature Conservation Centre (DKM) within the scope of Nature and Cities Project. In 2013, the communication was submitted to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic, and Social Committee, and the Committee of the Regions by European Commission. This communication, which can be used as a reference resource, discusses what needs to be done to encourage the development of green infrastructure and what steps should be taken at EU level. The communication shows how Green Infrastructure can make a significant contribution to effective implementation of all policies though nature based solutions. In addition, the Turkish version of the communication also has up-to-date supplementary resources on green infrastructure compiled by DKM. You can find the publication on project website: https://www.dogavesehirler.org/yayinlar