Eco-Friendly Sports Project has been completed.

Eco-Friendly Sports project aimed to promote sport and physical activities that not only contribute to better health, but also have a positive impact on the environment.
Objectives of the project were:
- to promote and develop new methods of environmental education through sport,
- to increase amount of eco-friendly sport events organized,
- to generate public awareness about possible connection of sport and protection of environment,
- to foster citizens engagement in sport, but also encourage them to take action towards better environment,
- to improve knowledge and experience of representatives of sport clubs and youth workers about concept of eco-sport,
- to provide opportunities in the urban life style to keep people’s physical and mental health and to significantly decrease the stress levels,
- to build a society who feels close and attached to nature will contribute to using natural resources sustainably and thus building sustainable cities,
- to contribute to social inclusion of young people from disadvantaged background.
48 local events were organised in all 8 countries and 1041 of people had a chance to participate! You can download the final report to see the details.
You can watch the mini documantary that captures the key ideas how to combine sport and nature conservation.
More information is here: https://www.ecofriendlysport.eu