The Kollekt app was introduced to visitors in Kemer Alacasu Bay with the goal of a Clean Mediterranean!

The Coca-Cola Foundation funded CLEAN MEDITERRANEAN – Community Based Recycling For A Litter Free Mediterranean Project implemented in collaboration with Nature Conservation Centre Foundation (DKM) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with the contribution of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation and in line with the Zero Waste policy was introduced in Alacasu Bay in Kemer District on 17-18 August 2019.
In addition to the project presentation, visitors were informed on reducing coastal wastes and appropriate collection of wastes during the activities realised in Alacasu Bay. The introductory activities organised by the Kemer Municipality Cleaning Directorate in cooperation with Nature Conservation Centre was attended by Kemer Municipality Acting Mayor Emrah Ayhan and Kemer Municipality Deputy Mayor Mustafa Bilici and Municipality staff.
Face-to-face discussions were held with more than 100 visitors during two days in Alacasu Bay, which is one of the most visited bays of Kemer and the Kollekt smart phone application, which was developed within the project and which aims to reduce wastes reaching the Mediterranean Sea through the collective power of communities was also introduced.
Through the briefings provided and face-to-face discussions held at the bay, local and foreign visitors were familiarised with the app. The smart phone application Kollekt, which aims to regain the wastes found in nature back into the system through the help of communities received positive feedback from local and foreign visitors.
Under the theme of Clean Kemer Clean Mediterranean volunteer teams explained visitors the relation between consumption preferences and waste formulation and the important role citizens play in the appropriate collection of these wastes during the two-day event.In line with the Zero Waste Regulation,volunteers distributed blue bags for recyclable wastes and gray bags for non-recyclable wastes to visitors using the beaches and forest areas. More than 200 blue and gray bags were distributed and instructions were given for collecting bags at appropriate locations.
During the introductory event at the bay, Acting Kemer Mayor Emrah Ayhan and Deputy Mayor Mustafa Bilici directly interacted with citizerns and explained the project and works conducted. A beach clean-up was also realised.
In addition to the project presentation, visitors were informed on reducing coastal wastes and appropriate collection of wastes during the activities realised in Alacasu Bay. The introductory activities organised by the Kemer Municipality Cleaning Directorate in cooperation with Nature Conservation Centre was attended by Kemer Municipality Acting Mayor Emrah Ayhan and Kemer Municipality Deputy Mayor Mustafa Bilici and Municipality staff.
Face-to-face discussions were held with more than 100 visitors during two days in Alacasu Bay, which is one of the most visited bays of Kemer and the Kollekt smart phone application, which was developed within the project and which aims to reduce wastes reaching the Mediterranean Sea through the collective power of communities was also introduced.
Through the briefings provided and face-to-face discussions held at the bay, local and foreign visitors were familiarised with the app. The smart phone application Kollekt, which aims to regain the wastes found in nature back into the system through the help of communities received positive feedback from local and foreign visitors.
Under the theme of Clean Kemer Clean Mediterranean volunteer teams explained visitors the relation between consumption preferences and waste formulation and the important role citizens play in the appropriate collection of these wastes during the two-day event.In line with the Zero Waste Regulation,volunteers distributed blue bags for recyclable wastes and gray bags for non-recyclable wastes to visitors using the beaches and forest areas. More than 200 blue and gray bags were distributed and instructions were given for collecting bags at appropriate locations.
During the introductory event at the bay, Acting Kemer Mayor Emrah Ayhan and Deputy Mayor Mustafa Bilici directly interacted with citizerns and explained the project and works conducted. A beach clean-up was also realised.
You may download the Kollekt app from the links below:
For IOS: https://apps.apple.com/ni/app/kollekt/id1471121619
For detailed information on the project: http://www.dkm.org.tr/Projeler/1089/communitybased-recycling-for-a-litter-free-meditterranean