Hydropower Project Activities in Turkey


Hydropower Project Activities in Turkey

Project Name: Hydropower Project Activities in Turkey

Date: August-October 2011

Place: Throughout Turkey

Role Of DKM: Project implementation

Summary Of Project:

The Gold Standard is an international voluntary carbon offset program that accreditates renewable and energy efficient projects. Projects must meet best practice criteria including to consult with local stakeholders, continually reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the environment and people’s lives.

DKM reviewed Turkish hydropower projects submitted for Gold Standard certification.

Work included project site-visits and a review of documented, confidentially submitted opinions on the environmental aspects of sustainability assessments and monitoring plans prescribed for hydropower activities.  DKM also identified the hydropower activities in Turkey which had raised concerns.  

DKM’s report to the Gold Standard Foundation included guidance in identifying best practice activities in hydropower projects in Turkey and was delivered at a one-day workshop.


  • review hydropower projects earmarked for Gold Standard certification

Key Achievements:

  • identified best practice in hydropower activities in Turkey.
Hydropower Project Activities in Turkey