SCP of the Black Sea Region

Proejct Name: SCP of the Black Sea Region
Date: April 2010 – December 2011
Place: The Black Sea Region
Role Of DKM: Project implementation
Project Partners: Ministry of Forest and Water Affairs
Project Supporters: WWF Turkey
Communication: Dr. Özge Balkız
Summary Of Project:
The project gathered, organised and analysed biological and socio-economic data to identify, assess and compare sites of conservation priority. All sites were measured against a range of biological and socio-economic criteria including their biodiversity value, the degree of threat they are under, the financial cost of conservation and the conservation and sustainable development opportunities they present. Throughout the project, and particularly at the prioritisation stage, relevant government bodies and experts were involved in the decision making processes. The aim was to ensure that the final sites selected were the best biologically, socio-economically and politically for the region.Once the priority conservation areas were agreed, management guidelines were prepared for each site. The guidelines aim to ensure that the sites selected can be effectively conserved by giving details of the specific targets for conservation action, the threats, and the conservation and sustainable development opportunities.
- identify priority conservation areas in Turkey’s Black Sea region using Systematic Conservation Planning.
Key Achievements:
- management guidelines developed for each site.