The Adaptation of Forest Ecosystems and Forestry to Climate Change in the Seyhan Basin

Project Name: The Adaptation of Forest Ecosystems and Forestry to Climate Change in the Seyhan Basin
Date: October 2009-October 2010
Place: Seyhan Basin
Role Of DKM: Project implementation
Summary Of Project:
The likely effects of climate change on four main forest types in the Seyhan Basin, an area of 20,450 km² in southern Turkey was modelled.Using GIS analysis and spatial modelling techniques, models were developed of the present distribution of the four main forest types in the study area. Using global climate predictions, these models were adjusted to illustrate future scenarios. The modelling revealed the most vulnerable areas of forest, and these were targeted for field studies in order to better understand issues on the ground. Through literature surveys and consultation with specialists, the likely effect of climate change on these forests and their biodiversity was compiled, and possible adaptation measures were developed.
Forestry management recommendations were developed for the whole of the Seyhan Basin to support and maintain the health of ecosystem services and biodiversity under the projected climate change scenarios.
The recommendations were developed in a format which can readily be incorporated into forestry management and silviculture practices detailed in forest management plans. This will make their adoption easier and make it possible for the General Directorate of Forestry to apply them in other regions.
- develop tools and specific recommendations for adapting forestry techniques and practices to climate change.
Key Achievements:
- recommendations developed to support and maintain the health of ecosystem services and biodiversity under projected climate change scenarios.