Water Management for Sustainable Farming and Resilient Ecosystems: Knowing More, Using Less

Project Name: Water Management for Sustainable Farming and Resilient Ecosystems: Knowing More, Using Less
Date: 2019-2020
Place: Konya
Role Of DKM: Project Implementation
Prooject Partners: Konya Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry
Communication: Dr. Melike Kuş
Summary Of Project:
The purpose of the project, which is financed within the framework of Coca-Cola New World Programme and is being implemented in the pilot area of Ereğli İvriz Irrigation Union, is to ensureenvironmental sustainability by transforming Turkey’s farming to a water efficient way in order to adapt to climate change. Specific objectives of the project are improving efficiency of water use in irrigated agriculture by adopting and integrating simple but effective innovative approaches, introducing an irrigation program for İvriz Irrigation Union to regulate the amount and timing of irrigation, improving knowledge of farmers on climate change and efficient irrigation methods and dissemination of the project results in the region. İvriz Irrigation area, which is located in Central Anatolia, covers 12.000 ha of irrigated land and 1,825 farmers are registered to İvriz Irrigation Union. The project will increase the adaptation capacity in agriculture by better management of water via usage of drip irrigation and tensiometers, which show soil moisture in 10 hectares land. Within the project, a workshop will be organised in which the irrigation program prepared for İvriz Irrigation Union and other climate change adaptation options will be discussed. Furthermore, the results and experiences obtained from the pilot implementations will be disseminated trough audio-visual and printed materials.