What can NGOs do for Climate Change?

Project Name: What can NGOs do for Climate Change?
Date: October 2012-February 2013
Place: Ankara
Role Of DKM: Consultant
Summary Of Project:
Through its membership of ‘İklim Ağı’ (Turkey’s ‘Climate Network’), DKM organised a meeting of NGOs to raise awareness of climate change developments including policies, strategies and activities of related organisations, with the aim of encouraging new partnerships and initiating a forum for know-how exchange. The meeting’s aim was to promote partnerships and develop projects under GEF-SGP’s climate priorities.
The meeting was held on 02 November 2012 in Ankara with the participation of 73 individuals representing: 40 NGOs, 3 universities, government (2 individuals), a municipality, plus representatives from UNDP.
- raise awareness of climate change policies and opportunities for NGOs in Turkey including the GEF-Small Grants Programme.
Key Achievements:
- meeting undertaken with 73 participants.