Nature Education

The Nature Conservation Centre (DKM), which is based on scientific approaches, believes that education studies are important for lasting results on the effective conservation of biodiversity and sustainable management of natural resources.
In this context DKM;
- trains nature guides,
- organizes workshops for educators,
- organizes citizen science activities like bioblitz,
- designs and implements programs for schools and other institutions,
- designs and implements family friendly programs,
- publishes documents,
- designs nature education materials.
In addition, DKM carries out studies covering philosophy known as shinrin-yoku and ikigai in Japan, ubuntu in South Africa and hygge in Scandinavian countries, which have become increasingly widespread especially in the business world to reconnect with nature in order to relieve stress.
What We Do
Teacher Workshops: In this program, we focus on formal education and we organise teacher workshops that support ecological literacy both in the heart of the city and in the wild. These workshops are aimed at providing the skills to support learning in the school environment and in the open field, providing inquiry-based learning and experiential learning, integrated learning and stewardship. It also explains wellbeing by developing personal and social skills through outdoor activities. You can contact us via dogaegitimi@dkm.org.tr for more information about two-day programs accompanied by experts and academies.Nature Is My Playground: This program is open to everyone from seven to seventy. The strongest aspect of the program is developing self-regulation skills, imagination and creativity as an effective citizen in spending enjoyable time in nature. It includes STEM activities that adopts an interdisciplinary approach based on science, technology, engineering and mathematics, encourage children to try, find, explore, observe, express themselves and explain with curiosity, interest and enthusiasm begin and end with the game. You can find more information about one-day programs accompanied by nature hosts by contact us via e-mail dogaegitimi@dkm.org.tr.
School Programs: The formal education has lots of tools for future generations who will make good decisions about the planet to acquire practical skills related to appropriate ecological behaviours towards protecting nature. School programs include activities based on developing high-order thinking skills, involving awareness, knowledge, attitude with the cooperation of school management and teachers. The priority is building a connection with nature, when children’ curiosity is engaged, their learning naturally blossoms. School programs have options to be applied in botanical gardens, arboretums, science centres and museums. You can contact us via e-mail dogaegitimi@dkm.org.tr for more information about the programs whose duration is optional.
Family Friendly Activities: Wee know more than 200 million children under the age of five face limited health care, malnutrition, poor education and poverty on Earth. This negative picture can be changed by governments, international organizations, and also families who want a good future for their children. Research shows that spending time in nature reduces stress, improves short term memory, develops the body, develops the mind, develops the vision and provides better focus for life. It also gives families the opportunity to spend time freely with their children. Family friendly activities are mainly fun games that will help your children explore and learn from the nature that is just outside their back door and down the street. For more information about one-day programs accompanied by nature hosts you can contact us via e-mail dogaegitimi@dkm.org.tr.
Nature Baths: Research shows that urban residents are increasingly disconnected from nature, and this, on the one hand, restricts the scientific and technological developments that have emerged since curiosity, observation, discovery, innovation and invention since the first man appeared. Because nature is our biggest source of inspiration. On the other hand, this disconnection, called nature deficiency disorder, causes health problems such as obesity, asthma, attention disorder, poor self-regulation, low self-esteem, anxiety and depression. After all, we all want a good life. While developing a sense of belonging and mission in the workplace, we are looking for purpose and meaning in daily life. Philosophies including spending time in nature such as shinrin-yoku, ikagi, hygge, lagom and ubuntu can offer important wellbeing clues and tools in this journey. We will introduce you these clues and tools, which are related to becoming brave, focused and creative. You can contact us via e-mail dogaegitimi@dkm.org.tr for more information about these programs, which are determined on an optional basis with experts and nature hosts.